Chelsea Locksmith provides security services to the residents, car owners and business operators of this captivating neighborhood. This neighborhood contains both residential and business premises and we are fully equipped to deal with both. Don't hesitate to call Manhattan Locksmith in Chelsea to help you. We also specialize in the repair and maintenance of CCTV and alarm systems for art galleries, museums, etc. In addition Manhattan Locksmith is equipped to attend to key and lock problems on all makes of cars.
Manhattan|Soho | Midtown | Battery Park City | Tribeca | West Village | East Village | Washington Heights | Hamilton Heights | Lower East Side | Harlem Locksmith | Morningside Heights | Nolita | Upper West Side | Upper East Side | Gramercy Park | Hells Kitchen | Noho | Murray Hill | Chelsea.
Chelsea is the melting pot of many cultures. Above 23rd Street the neighborhood is industrial or post-industrial. Between 20th and 22nd streets between Ninth and Tenth Avenues are many historic brownstones built over a hundred years ago and still lived in. From 16th to 27th Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues, there are more than 200 art galleries that are home to modern art from both new and established artists. There are many new developments in Chelsea, including a stunning new building designed by Frank Gehry.