Murray Hill Locksmith provides 24/7 security services to the residents and business operators of this neighborhood. This neighborhood contains both residential and business premises and is heavy with restaurants. We deal with residential and business lock and security problems as well as auto/car problems. Don't hesitate to call Manhattan Locksmith to Murray Hill if you are locked out of your apartment, shop or car - we at Manhattan Locksmith are here to help you.
Murray Hill extends south from 42nd Street to meet the neighborhood of Gramercy at 29th Street. The blocks on Lexington Avenue around 28th Street are sometimes known as "Curry Hill", because of the high concentration of Indian restaurants. If you dine in an Indian restaurant and get back to your car and discover the keys hanging in the ignition, don't panic. Call for Locksmith Murray Hill. One of our curry and rice loving technicians is probably eating somewhere near you.
Manhattan|Soho | Midtown | Battery Park City | Tribeca | West Village | East Village | Washington Heights | Hamilton Heights | Lower East Side | Harlem Locksmith | Morningside Heights | Nolita | Upper West Side | Upper East Side | Gramercy Park | Hells Kitchen | Noho | Murray Hill | Chelsea.